Saturday, May 12, 2012

Our Website has Officially Launched.

Our website was officially launched earlier today.  We gave a few screen shots in the February 2011 post, since then a lot of good changes have been made.  The goal of the site has remained the same and many more features are coming soon.

We still believe that our site is a tool that can be used to be informative and a way to build closer relationships with the people in our Academy (hint for something coming).

For our current CrossFit students the WOD Leaderboard is updated daily, hopefully even right after every class.  Please visit our home page to check and record your times and weight lifted.  To keep the fun of not knowing what the workout is you will see a "?" under the SW and WOD section.  Toward the end of the day the actual SW and WOD will be posted.  This will keep the mystery for students coming to a later class.

As always check under recent news on the home page for the latest news about fitness, martial arts, and what is going on with the studio (Days closed, exam dates,etc...).  As Evolution grows so will this site.

PS: If you have taken any great pictures of classes or anything related to our academy and would like to share it with others by adding it to our site please email us at  We would love to share it with others!

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