Saturday, September 29, 2012

Can't Get Enough EVO? Sign Up For Our Newsletters

If you are a student, parent, friend, or visitor, please sign up for our newsletters.  If you don't visit our website or Facebook often this is the easiest way to receive the latest news, updates, and deals.  There are 3 ways to sign up:
1) On our website at the upper right corner
2) On the top of our Facebook page where it says "Email Signup"
3) At EVO on our iPad.

All email addresses are never given away.  You will receive a confirmation email asking if you want to join newsletter.  Please click on the link to confirm.

If you have already signed up please check your SPAM folder and add us to your safe list.  We have received feedback that gmail will spam these newsletters.  

The last thing you want is to get excited and pumped up before a class to then drive over and find out we are closed for a holiday or event you were not aware of.

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