Sunday, November 4, 2012

We Will Begin Using Attendance ID Cards Soon.

Our student count is beginning to increase which is great news.  We will be implementing attendance ID cards to help us keep track of who has been coming to class.  We are still slowly creating cards, if you don't see your card don't panic its because we need to take a picture of you.  Below are the steps of how to use these cards.

  1. When you and/or your child comes to take class please pick up your ID card on the wall between the men and women dressing rooms.  Adult cards are on the card holder on top, Jr and Tiny Tiger cards are in holders below.
  2. Cards are placed in holders by LAST name.
  3. Coaches and Instructors will collect the cards before every class.
  4. Cards will be placed back into holders ready for pickup for next visit. 
Important Notes.
  • Please DO NOT take cards home.
  • All students must present a card to take class.  
  • Monthly, 10 Power Pack, Special Deal, and Trial Members will all have cards.
  • If your card is not in the holders please check with someone at the front desk.

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