Friday, July 19, 2013

EVO Top Team Auditions August 4th & 11th.

Do you like performing in front of a crowd?  Does that type of intensity get your adrenaline pumping?  Evolution Martial Arts Academy is holding auditions to join Evo Top Team, our demonstration team. Evo Top Team will perform demonstrations at future belt graduations and other special events.  A special class on Fridays will allow these team members to work together and prepare for the next performance. 

The only requirement needed to audition is the rank of at least Hapkido Jr. Green Belt.  All students who fulfill this requirement are more than welcome to try out but NOT every student will make it.  Only 6 spots are available on this roster as of right now.  Three of the most important factors we are looking for are focus, following directions, and most importantly technical ability. 

How Auditions Work: 
  • Auditions will be held on Sunday August 4th and 11th, starting at 9am.
  • Students must make an appointment ahead of time (Sign Ups will be on the front counter).  Students can only audition one time.
  • Students waiting must wait in lobby area until their turn.    
  • Each student will demonstrate in 10 minutes a list of techniques in front of 2 unnamed judges.  (Students have done all these techniques before, list of techniques will not be known to student until they step on the mat) 
  • Once students are done they are free to leave.
  • Judges will review all notes and students who made the team will be notified a couple days later.

Parents keep in mind there is a possibly only one sibling could make it while the other(s) do not.  Students who make the team may be cut from the team at any time. Auditions will be held again in the future as we increase the number of spots on the team or have to fill available spots.      

Good luck, bring your skills.

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