Wednesday, October 30, 2013

CrossFit Success Journals Coming Soon...

Some of you may have noticed the grey bookshelf in the corner of the CrossFit area.  Keeping track of your weights is the only way you can visually see improvements from month to month.  We have told everyone to keep track of their weights on the board and we see people taking photos on their phones which is great.  

We have decided to help you with the logging, we will implement a new Success Journal for you CrossFitters.  Just like we have for Hapkido students this will allow you to track all your weights, times, benchmark workouts, and other good thing.  We will eventually go to some type of online logging like beyond the white board in the future.  We feel people are more willing to log their weights quickly via pen and paper right after class than going home and logging into a website to input their weights.

If you do crossfit and hapkido you can keep everything in the same journal.  These journals will start to slowly roll out for everyone in the next couple weeks.  We feel if you use the journals after every class and monitor your weights and time you will see a performance increase.  We did the hard part, all you need to do is spend a minute to track all your weights, take advantage of this tool.  Numbers never lie.              

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