Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Morning Classes Start Dec 2nd

There have been a lot of rumors swirling regarding morning classes.  Lets put them all to rest, here is the official announcement.  Morning classes will begin on Monday December 2nd.  Lots of you have been asking for it so your wish is coming true.  We will be adding an additional 12 classes.

We know some of you like to get your workout done and over with in the morning so you can spend more time with your family in the evenings.  The morning schedule will look like this.

Monday & Wednesdays

9am - CrossFit (MIX Level)
10am - Kickboxing
10am - Open Gym (Workout on your own)
11am - CrossFit (MIX)

Tuesdays & Thursdays

9am - CrossFit (MIX)
10am - Hapkido Adults
10am - Open Gym
11am - CrossFit (MIX)

We have a special "Early Bird" membership pricing for people who can only come to morning classes.  "Early Bird" membership allows you to only come in the morning.  Our "Regular" membership will allow you to come to any classes morning or night.

If you have friends that have been hesitant to start because evening classes didn't work for their schedule morning classes is now the solution.  If you already have kids who come in at night but you can't take classes because you need to take care of them this is your chance to come in the morning.  Take advantage of our family discount pricing.

No excuses anymore, we have just solved a whole lot of issues.

Remember refer 5 friends and to get free classes for yourself, nothing is better than free.  If you have any questions please email,


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