Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Quarterly Student Report Cards

The 4pm class and I were discussing their report cards from school.  I thought to myself why don't we have that.  We are an academy, we teach students, thus students should be graded just like at school.  We have belt exams but that only scores a child based on performance over one day and that happens only every few months.  Some parents drop their child off, others workout at the same time.  This will allow you to find out how your child is doing over the course of 3 months.  

So problem solved, we will be handing out quarterly progress report cards to every student.  The first progress report card will be handed out toward the end of this week and early next week covering January - March 2014.  

Just like school, items will be scored on a scale from 1 to 4.  Since most children can relate, 1 is a rating of poor while 4 is excellent.  Children understand that too many 1's on a school report card can cause them to be held back from their next grade.  Same rules apply at Evolution, too many 1's on our progress report card will cause them to be held back from their next projected belt exam.  

Parents these progress reports will be passed out to your child.  Instead of emailing them straight to you we want to make sure they see what their scores are and what they need improvement in.  These report cards must be signed by a parent and returned to us.

These report cards will only go out to Juniors.  No report cards for Tiny Tigers or adults.  
If you have any questions please email

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