Saturday, June 25, 2011

Quick Updates and "Way Beyond the White Board"

Its been a long time since we have updated our news feed.  Here is a quick run down of what has been going on.  We were very close in almost signing a spot in Chatsworth but ran into a few issues,  so we decided to part ways with the building.  Ever since then we have just been continuing our search to find the future home of Evolution Martial Arts Academy.  We have expanded our search to the Agoura Hills and Westlake Village area.  The selection that way west is much slimmer and the cost per sq foot is much higher, but zoning regulations are a bit easier in Ventura county.  Like any good business owner we will not settle on just any building and rush this process.  Doing all our due diligence and running the numbers will help us in the long run. 

We have officially affiliated with Crossfit.  It was a bit of a process but we can now mark that off of our to do list.  

Had a great meeting with Mr. Omid this morning, we discussed some back end database schema designs. We have a vision that is somewhat complex but will hopefully benefit all of our future students.  Any crossfitter knows the two most important values in their workouts are Power and Time.  Most crossfitters use "Beyond the White Board" which is a website where you can record, and track your measurements and slowly view your progression over time.  It is a wonderful idea but the site can be somewhat lacking at times.  So we have something in the works which is similar but hopefully a bit more user friendly and understandable.  We believe this can be "Way Beyond the White Board" for both our crossfitters and our Martial Art students as well.  One of the keys is to make it simple and easy to use and understand,  students are more unlikely to use it if to complicated and takes too much time. We cannot specify any more details at the moment but we are very excited of the possibilities.  iPhone and iPad app anyone?

We want to thank all the people on our Facebook page for still liking us and supporting us.  We are all still very excited about this project and wont let anything discourage us from doing what we love.  It is taking a bit more time to get started than we would like but as Mr. Alex said "Good things don't come easy otherwise everyone would be doing it."  We will try to update our news more regularly to keep everyone in the loop.