Saturday, September 29, 2012

Can't Get Enough EVO? Sign Up For Our Newsletters

If you are a student, parent, friend, or visitor, please sign up for our newsletters.  If you don't visit our website or Facebook often this is the easiest way to receive the latest news, updates, and deals.  There are 3 ways to sign up:
1) On our website at the upper right corner
2) On the top of our Facebook page where it says "Email Signup"
3) At EVO on our iPad.

All email addresses are never given away.  You will receive a confirmation email asking if you want to join newsletter.  Please click on the link to confirm.

If you have already signed up please check your SPAM folder and add us to your safe list.  We have received feedback that gmail will spam these newsletters.  

The last thing you want is to get excited and pumped up before a class to then drive over and find out we are closed for a holiday or event you were not aware of.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Tiny Tigers Starts Oct. 1st. Class Schedule Change.

We would like to introduce our newest program beginning Monday October 1st at Evolution Martial Arts Academy, the Tiny Tigers program.  This program is designed especially for 3-5 year olds, it is where little ones build the foundation needed to become future black belts.  Children at this age are developing at an unbelievable pace.  Although they will learn several kicks and punches, our primary focus for children this age include:

  • Improving listening skills and following directions
  • Showing respect to their parents, instructors, and others
  • Working on hand-eye coordination and mobility
  •  Developing better focus
  •  Building self confidence
  • Improving social skills with other children

Just like our Hapkido program, the Tiny Tigers program is curriculum based.  This curriculum has been designed specifically to keep children interested and motivated to learn new skills including life skills and safety awareness that will help in school and around the house.  They will learn at a young age, it takes hard work and practice to achieve challenging goals.

Our goal is to have Tiny Tigers constantly learning and developing new skills, both on and off the mat while still having tons of fun.  Classes are 30 minutes, please email for more information or questions.

Tiny Tigers will be offered:
·      3:30-4:00pm (Monday-Friday)
·      5:00-5:30pm (Monday & Wednesday)
·      5:30-600pm (Monday & Wednesday)
·      11:00-11:30am (Saturday)
·      11:30-12:00pm (Saturday)

IMPORTANT: This new program will cause our current Class Schedule to change. (Affective 10-1-12)
·      5pm Junior class will move to 6pm (Monday & Wednesday)
·      6pm Kickboxing will move to 8pm (Monday & Wednesday)
·      11am Kickboxing will move to 8am (Saturday)

For our latest schedule always visit.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Facebook Check-Ins Deals, where did you go?

Everyone we have some bad news.  It looks like Facebook's recent app update to iPhones and Androids have broken the chance for you to claim discounts and prizes from us for collecting check-in's at Evolution.

We hope they fix this soon and you all can start accumulating check-in's again.  We let you know when and if they decide to fix this.  We hope this doesn't change the fact that you all still continue to check-in and write really smart-a** status comments.  :-)  

Some of our Favorites:

"WOD the hell was I thinking??"
"Even when I don't want to"
"That girl was just straight nasty"
"Me and the worlds biggest fan"
"Did Kelly would have rather done Nancy"
"Snatch Time"
"Where's the Check-Out button??"

Monday, September 24, 2012

6pm Classes Cancelled Friday 9/28 for Porter Ranch Kids Klub Event.

Evolution will be canceling all 6pm classes on Friday September 28th.  We are very excited to welcome the entire Porter Ranch Kids Klub to Evolution for a short class and movie on the big screen.  If you see them please welcome our guests to our community.  

Hapkido Jr. class at 4pm will still be on.
Hapkido Teen/Adults and CrossFit at 5pm will still be on.  

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Evolution and DogTown CrossFit coming together for Crush Cancer Fundraiser Event!

Start your fundraising!! Evolution Martial Arts Academy is going to be joining in on the 2nd Annual Crush Cancer event that is being coordinated by DogTown CrossFit in Culver City. Instead of participating in Fight Gone Bad, we will be supporting this fundraising event, in which all the proceeds go to Stand Up 2 Cancer to help fund cancer research, and maybe even one day, find a cure! We have all encountered someone who has had cancer, and either won or lost their fight. This event is for them, and every other person who might one day be fighting for their life against this horrible disease! Let's help make a difference!

What is Crush Cancer and how did it get started?

Crush Cancer was created by DogTown Crossfit in 2011, as a substitute for the annual "Fight Gone Bad" fundraising event that most CrossFit gyms hold. The reason being that last year, FGB decided not to donate any portion of the proceeds to cancer research. Not that FGB doesn't do a great in fundraising for wounded vets, families of fallen soldiers and first responders, and other noble charities of that nature. But, cancer affects hundreds of thousands of people per year, and that kind of statistic is sobering. One of the owners of Dogtown CrossFit, Adam Noble, is a cancer survivor. He fought the disease, and lived to tell about it. As a result, the fight against cancer is quite personal to him. Last year, in its inaugural event, which Coach Brandon participated in (as then a member of the DogTown family), $60,000 was raised for Stand Up To Cancer, and it was an amazing workout and event. This year, Evolution asked DogTown CrossFit to join in on this worthy cause, and have a fun time doing this event with them.

How do I get involved?

Evolution has created their own fundraiser page on Crowdrise ( Go to this page, and on the right hand side you will see a button that reads "Join the Team". Click on that button and set up your own page under our team page. Once your page is ready to go, all you have to do is post the link on your FB, Twitter, or whatever other social media account you have. Tell your friends to donate on your page. There is no minimum (and of course no maximum). Even if it is just $1, that still is $1 more towards finding a cure!! Every week, you want to repost this link, and keep reminding your friends about it. Think about if every FB friend you have donated $1?? That's pretty good right? So, don't be afraid to ask. Remind them that this donation is tax-deductible as Stand Up to Cancer (SU2C) is a 501c3 organization.

Ok, so I have raised money, now what?

On October 27th, in Downtown Culver City, we will participate in an awesome, outdoor, public WOD!! You can invite your friends, family, neighbors, whoever you want!! It is an awesome day of camaraderie and sportsmanship. You will be doing the following workout for total amount of reps.

3 Rounds- 1 min. Each Station

- Power Cleans
- Kettlebell Swings
- Burpees
- Shoulder to Overhead
- Double Unders

Here's some additional information on the upcoming Crush Cancer fundraiser:

1) All active CrossFit students have to create their personal page under our Evolution fundraiser page by Friday, September 21st! (this gives you a little over a month to fundraise)

Some evil WOD will be assigned to those who don't make the deadline >:) ...and you will still have to create a
page... hehe...

Ask Coach Brandon if you need help in setting up your page. It is pretty straight forward though...

2) You have to actively fundraise! Even if that means donating some money yourself. This is for the fight against cancer, so every dollar counts! Even if it is only $1!!

3) You are NOT required to participate on the day of the Crush Cancer event, but you ARE required to do the workout. There will be "make up" days for the Crush Cancer WOD (before and after the actual event).