Monday, May 28, 2012

New Changes to CrossFit Ranking System

As you all know the point system is pretty fun and exciting.  People are telling us they visit the site regularly to see how they have been moving up the rankings after each class.  It has been hard keeping the playing field "fair" points wise.  Here are a few changes that are going to be made.

  • If you do a WOD at prescribed weight please put RX next to your time.  You must complete the entire workout at the weights written on the board to qualify.  You will receive +5 points to whatever your point ranking was.  
  • If you do Pull-Ups through out the entire WOD without assistance bands you will receive +2 points. 
  • If you do the WOD at prescribed weight and Pull-Ups without bands you will receive +7 points.
  • If the coaches feel your technique was incorrect or sloppy you can possibly lose points.
Any changes will be made to give a more accurate ranking system.  Consistency is still key to CrossFit and the Rankings, the more you come the more points you receive.  

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