Saturday, May 12, 2012

We have developed a CrossFit Ranking System to promote a little Healthy Competition

EDIT 5-14-12:  All members will be on the list.  If you decide you would not like to participate please email us.  Our thoughts are not everyone will want to aim for the number one spot but if you know you rank pretty close with someone, this could be a good way to give you a bit more gas.

Ok we have developed a Ranking System.
This is our way of inspiring a bit of HEALTHY competition in our CrossFit family.  If you would like to be added to the list or would like to be removed from the list please let us know.  Some of us like competing with our friends because it makes us work harder and we all ultimately get better together.  A chart will be viewable on our website in the near future.

This is how the point system works:

1. After every WOD, times are recorded on the board along side the CrossFitters name.
2. We take this list and sort everyone throughout the entire day. (WOD Leaderboard on home page)
3.  In that entire list if there are 15 people participating in this Ranking System, the top person's time or score from WOD will net him or her 15 points.  The last person will receive a point of 1.  
4.  On WOD Leaderboard there is a column that states how many Pts you receive based on your time.  If your time is the same as someone else, you both receive the same amount of points.
5.  The more points you have the higher your ranking.
6.  Some points can be modified by coaches based on any reason, they seem fit.
7. All points and Rankings will RESET at the beginning of every Month.

TIP: The more you don't come to class, the more you lose out on gaining any points.  Thus others will gain ground.  

Again this is a fun way to train and get motivated.  If you would or would not like to participate please feel free to let us know.  If at any moment we feel like this becomes a distraction and starts to bring down our CrossFit community we will remove this completely.  Please remember its not about who's ranked first, its about each person getting better.  HEALTHY COMPETITION.

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