Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Special Class Schedule for Saturday May 3rd.

Mr. Brandon will be attending the CF Defense Trainers Certification course Saturday May 3rd.  We will be having a special class schedule for that day.

  • 9am Adult Hapkido Class - Cancelled
  • 9am CrossFit Class - ON
  • 10am Junior Hapkido Class - ON
  • 10am CrossFit Class - Cancelled (Open gym available)
  • 11 & 11:30 Tiny Tiger Classes - ON

Email if you have any questions.  Sorry for any inconvenience.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Implementing Beyond the Whiteboard for logging your CrossFit weight / time.

Some of the coaches and a few of our CrossFitters have been testing out Beyond the Whiteboard.  Beyond the Whiteboard is a web-based site that tracks and analyzes your workouts.  CrossFit EVO has been created and our members will be able to join our gym and really start to track the progress of their workouts.  Just like the journals we provide you will be able to log in everything from your skill work weights to WOD times.

When you join our gym on Beyond the Whiteboard you will be able to see our Skill Work and the WOD.  All you need to do is simply log into the website on a computer or download the app on your phone and quick log your time and weight.  Not only will you see our programming "track" you can create your own track and improve on your own weaknesses.  You will be able to see charts, graphs, and other analytical information regarding your training.    

This week and next we will begin approving our members into our gym.  Because we love our members, access to this wonderful tool will be FREE.  Just in case you don't have a smart phone we will be adding a public computer in the CrossFit area to allow you to login and log your information.  We will also continue to post a picture of the scores of the day so you can log in from home just in case you forget.

Hopefully this tool will help you achieve your goals.  Just as consistently as you workout you must be just as consistent logging your times and weights to really track your progress.  We are working on removing our points system and be replacing it with the Beyond the Whiteboard Leaderboard.

If you are a CF EVO member and would like access please send an email to  We will then send you an invite and you can begin logging.  We suggest you go back and log any vital data from the journals into beyond the white board.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Hopper Style WODs for the Week Before Easter

Some of you may have noticed on the Big Board it says Random Easter Egg WODs Week. You're probably thinking what is that? From April 14th-18th all your WODs will be randomly chosen by the classes. Just like the original CrossFit games in 2007 all WODs will be randomly selected "hopper" style. We technically don't have a hopper but a big glass bowl should work.

Our coaches always do a great job at programming skill work and WODs daily to help develop your skills. This random choosing will test your strength, endurance, fitness level, and sheer determination. After all, CrossFit is suppose to gear us for the unknown.

So how does this actually work?

Monday April 11th all classes starting with 11am will select eggs. 11am selections that morning will be the WOD for everyone that day Monday.

5pm, 6pm, and 7pm will pick eggs at the beginning of their class also Monday the 11th. The eggs picked by 5pm will be for the WOD Tuesday, 6pm will be Wednesday, and 7pm Friday. (We will make Thursday as a rest day. We feel you're going to need it)

How are the eggs selected?

1) One person in class will select the first egg which must be GREEN from the basket. The green eggs will determine if it will be a AMRAP or how many of rounds there will be.

2) Someone else will select a random BLUE egg also from the basket. The blue eggs will be the number of CrossFit movements that will be in the WOD. (Could range from 3 to a lot)

3) Depending on the number chosen in the Blue egg, others will choose that many eggs for movements from the glass bowl. (There are over 90 different CrossFit items to choose from and 5 wild card eggs)

The Rules:

1) Movements must be done in the order they are selected.

2) If multiple barbell movements are selected the CrossFitter must change their own weights accordingly (just like open 14.3)

3) There will be a time cap of 45 minutes if needed.

4) There will be 5 "wild card" eggs.  If a wild card egg is selected it counts as a movement.

We wish you all the best. Please pick wisely.

Dave Castro