Monday, March 21, 2011

Ever wondered why Crossfit workouts are named after people?

Ever wondered why Crossfit workouts are named after people? Here's a great example of a WOD named "Murph" that Sensei Brandon completed on St. Patricks Day at Dogtown Crossfit.

For those of you who went to the MAIA show in Vegas this past year, and had the honor to meet ex-Navy SEAL, Marcus Luttrell, this was his best friend and fellow SEAL TEAM 10 member that was K.I.A during Operation Redwing.

Heroes DO exist!

Tell us what you think. Potential Hoodie and T-Shirt design.

So we got lot of positive feedback from our fans on Facebook that they would be interested in purchasing and wearing some of the original Evolution Martial Arts Academy clothing to support us.  We got a lot of responses for hoodies, so this could be a potential hoodie design.  Evolution Crest logo on the front left side and normal Evolution logo down the back right shoulder.  The logo has a grunge look to it. 

We also designed a t-shirt similar to the hoodie with the Evolution logo going down the front and a big crest logo on the back.

Our last prototype shirt we have is a very basic clean "Classic" Evolution Martial Arts Academy shirt.  Because simple is cool.

Please let us know what you think, comment on this blog or on Facebook.  None of these designs are finalized yet.  Any ideas are always welcome, love it or hate it, we are always looking to improve.  Again thank you all for supporting us, it means a lot during this time.  Continue to follow us on this blog or Facebook for updated news. Special Thanks to Mr. James our mad scientist when it comes to design.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Microsoft IE 9 has caused a bit of problem for our site. Not Cool.

The beta version of our site has been working fine up until last night when Microsoft released Internet Explorer 9 to the general public.  Everything was working great on IE8, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari, the big four internet browsers.  Because each browser operates a bit differently our code has been modified so all four would see our site relatively the same.  So just when we think everything is cool, Microsoft throws this curve ball out there affecting a few of the Java Scripts running on some of the pages.  So back to the drawing board and its time to change some of the code again.  Some of the issues are related to Google and we are pretty sure the Google developers are working on their end to fix their issues as well.  Luckily our site has not gone live yet so we have some time to workout some of these issues.  We know sometime down the road this same issue will happen to all the other browsers as new releases come out.  Its all part of that Evolution process. 

This has been a quick update to our website.  We are still working hard at it and our vision remains the same.  We can't wait to write a blog that says the site is live so please check it out.  Until then thanks for following the blog, hope to have more updates soon.

UPDATE: Firefox 4.0 released on 3-22-11 is working great with our site.  Thank you Mozilla for not messing anything up.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Mr. Jason attends Dave Kovar's Instructor Seminar held at TKC.

March 6th, 2011 Dave Kovar made a stop in Southern California to hold one his Martial Arts Instructor Boot-camp seminar.  More than fifty school owners and instructors attended this seminar held at Team Karate Centers in Woodland Hills.  This seminar was for senior and beginner instructors helping them become even better and more effective martial arts instructors.

Here's a little information about Dave Kovar.  Shihan Kovar is the head instructor of Kovars Family Martial Arts Centers Inc. He has been teaching karate since he was 15 years old and currently holds Black Belts in 6 different styles of Martial Arts. In 1982 he was rated "California Competitor of the Year," and in 1988 he won the United States Martial Arts Championships Men's Heavyweight Division in Reno, Nevada. He has operated his own Martial Arts School in the Sacramento area since 1978, making Kovars Family Martial Arts Centers one of the oldest and most respected Martial Arts schools in Sacramento. With over 1,900 students, Kovars is ranked as one of the top schools in the nation.
Over the years Dave has developed a unique method of teaching that has earned him the distinction of being the Instructor of the Year in 1992 from the United States Martial Arts Centers (an association of over 1,300 schools in the United States and Canada). Dave's teaching techniques give the instructor the unique ability to help students improve their existing skills while increasing their confidence, discipline and respect. In fact, so many other Martial Arts instructors have inquired about these techniques that the Kovar brothers have developed a series of "How to Teach Martial Arts..." videos. These videos have had phenomenal sales both nationally and internationally.*

With this wealth of knowledge and experience it was great he was able to come and share with other school owners who are following the same path he is leading.  This 7 hour seminar covered topics such as
  • Ways to retain current students
  • Using focus anchors to control the most uncontrolable classes
  • Disguising repetition
  • PCP - Praise Correct Praise
  • Optimizing classes for Zero Downtime
  • Preframing
  • How to better social with parents
So much information covered that it is difficult to list them all.  This was a great seminar because as instructors we do most of these techniques anyways but just really breaking them down and working on the techniques that are a bit lacking is all part of the evolution of an instructor.  He truly made it very simple giving plenty of realistic examples that we run into on a weekly basis. 

The best part about teaching martial arts is watching students progress and succeed.  We at Evolution Martial Arts Academy want to empower our students to be successful in whatever they do in their life. Teaching is definitely not a walk in the park, but this seminar will really help us help our students achieve their goals.

If you are school owner or instructor we highly suggest this seminar. 

*Courtesy of