Sunday, July 17, 2011

What "Circle" are you going to belong to?

We always try to stay up to date with the latest and greatest in new technologies, which is sometimes really difficult knowing how fast things change.  We have mentioned in a previous news article about our Evo website and what our goals for the site are.  What was not mentioned was that Google and all the tools associated with it play such a vital role in our site's features.  Google has enabled us to communicate more effectively with our students and all other users who follow us.

Google has decided to step up and challenge the social media giant Facebook with Google+.  It has some very similar features as Facebook but one stand out feature we really like is the ability create "Circles" and assign people into specific circles.  This gives us even better channels of communications with our students and users.  Specific circles receive specific information from us which is more efficient.  Imagine the ability for all our students to create Evo circles with classmates.  It will bring the Evo community that much closer together.  Google+ is still in beta and is invite only but shows great potential to legitimately compete with Facebook.

One of the features we were hoping for was allowing our Google Apps profile to be used to create our Google+ profile.  Maybe in a few weeks they will allow this.  Google is currently looking into applying Google+ into businesses, we have signed up to be notified when this feature is available.  We are hoping Google+ can be easily embedded into our website so users can easily add us.

If you get an invite you should register for an account.  They already have a +1 button below this post...Google you get a +1, keep up the good work, it makes life a bit easier for us.

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