Sunday, October 14, 2012

Vinyasa Yoga Classes Starting Soon at EVO

We are proud to present a Vinyasa Yoga program starting very soon at Evolution Martial Arts Academy. Vinyasa Yoga is a flow yoga, because of the smooth way that the poses run together and become like a dance. The breath becomes an important component because you move from one pose to the next on an inhale or an exhale. The constant movements from one pose to another, gives an added cardiovascular benefit, which more traditional forms of yoga do not have. The consistant practice of vinyasa yoga can increase muscle strength, endurance and flexibility, and reduce levels of stress.

This is a great compliment to CrossFit for those days off.  We are thinking about offering the class Mondays and Wednesdays from 10-11am.  More class times will be available as we soon as we gain more interest in this program.  If you are interested in different times or days please send us an email to  We will take your suggestion into consideration when we officially finalize the time and start date.  Thanks again, we are always looking to improve our community and what can offer to our students.

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