Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Grand Opening "Mini" Games Details along with Prizes Announced

The 2012 CrossFit games are same weekend as our Grand Opening.  For our Grand Opening Event we have decided to hold our own "Mini" CrossFit Games.  People will have a chance to participate and earn tickets which they can use to enter drawings for different prizes.  The "Mini" Games will begin at around 12pm July 14th.  Anyone can participate, children and adults.  BRING AND INVITE anyone you think is interested.  For less than 5 mins of work you can potentially win 2 months free training!    

How it works.  

There will be 4 stations. (Push Ups, Sit Ups, Box Jumps, and Squats).  Each participant will have exactly 60 seconds to do as many repetitions as possible at each station.  There will be a judge at each station that will count each rep.  At the end of the 60 seconds the judge will award the participant tickets based on rep count.  The more reps counted the more tickets a participant will earn.  A maximum of 5 tickets can be earned, 1 ticket will be award to anyone who participates.  Judges determine Reps, there will be no arguments or disputes with judges.  What they say goes.  

Participants are not required to do every station.  Participants can only do each station once.  Once a participant is done collecting all the tickets they must turn the tickets into our raffle bowl.  Tickets for prizes will be picked out of the bowl.  

Workouts and Reps done in 60 secs for tickets

Squats - (Rear end must touch Med Ball)
5 tickets - 50+ 
4 tickets - 40 
3 tickets - 30 
2 tickets - 20 
1 ticket -  <19 

Push Up - (Release bottom) (Men must do from toes, ladies and children can do from knees)
5 tickets - 40+
4 tickets - 31-39
3 tickets - 21-30
2 tickets - 15-20
1 ticket - <15

Sit-Ups -  (Hands must touch ground by feet)
5 tickets - 50+ 
4 tickets - 40 
3 tickets - 30 
2 tickets - 20 
1 ticket -  <19 

Box Jumps - (Must stand all the way up on the box)(Men 20", Women and Children 12")
5 tickets - 40+
4 tickets - 31-39
3 tickets - 21-30
2 tickets - 15-20
1 ticket - <15

Grand Prize - 2 Month Membership Single Program (1 Winner)
1 Month Membership Single Program (1 Winner)
1 10 Class Power Pack (2 Winners)
1 T-shirt (Grand Opening if still available or Regular Shirt) (5 Winners)

*Prizes may vary based on number of participants. 

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